Unit 3: Properties of Matter (October 31-December 9)

TeacherJulia Rosso
Subject AreaScience
Grade Level8
Week #Weeks 11-16 (October 31-December 9)
Unit of InstructionProperties of Matter
Standard(s) Taught

SC.8.P.8.4 (Level 2) – Classify and compare substances on the basis of characteristic physical properties that can be demonstrated or measured; for example, density, thermal or electrical conductivity, solubility, magnetic properties, melting and boiling points, and know that these properties are independent of the amount of the sample.
SC.8.P.8.3 (Level 2) – Explore and describe the densities of various materials through measurement of their masses and volumes.
SC.8.P.8.2 (Level 2) – Differentiate between weight and mass recognizing that weight is the amount of gravitational pull on an object and is distinct from, though proportional to, mass.
SC.912.P.8.2 – Differentiate between physical and chemical properties and physical and chemical changes of matter.
SC.8.P.8.1 (Level 2) – Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also known as atomic theory) by using models to explain the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases
SC.912.P.8.1 – Differentiate among the four states of matter.
SC.8.P.9.2 (Level 2) – Differentiate between physical changes and chemical changes. SC.8.N.1.6 (Level 2) – Understand that scientific investigations involve the collection of relevant empirical evidence, the use of logical reasoning, and the application of imagination in devising hypotheses, predictions, explanations and models to make sense of the collected evidence.
SC.8.P.9.3 (Level 3) – Investigate and describe how temperature influences chemical changes.
SC.8.P.9.1 (Level 3) – Explore the Law of Conservation of Mass by demonstrating and concluding that mass is conserved when substances undergo physical and chemical changes.
SC.7.N.3.1 (Level 3) – Recognize and explain the difference between theories and laws and give several examples of scientific theories and the evidence that supports them.

Learning Targets and Learning Criteria

 I am learning to identify and classify a substance based on its physical properties(N.1.1)

 Thermal conductivity (conductor or insulator), electrical conductivity (conductor or insulator), solubility, magnetism, melting and boiling points, density (D=M/V)

 I am learning to classify and compare substances based on the characteristics of their physical properties

 I am learning to explain how the physical properties of matter are independent of the amount sampled, density and conductivity

I am learning to differentiate between mass and weight.

 I am learning to calculate the density, mass or volume of a substance using the formula;

Density = mass ÷ volume

 I am learning to classify and sequence various substances in order of increasing or decreasing densities of a liquid sample.

I am learning to describe the motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases dependent on their kinetic energy

 solid- lowest average kinetic energy, liquid o gas- highest average kinetic energy

 I am learning to predict what happens to the motion of particles during a phase change with addition/removal of energy.

Differentiate among the four states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and plasma) in terms of energy, particle motion, and phase transitions

I am learning to differentiate between physical and chemical changes in matter (N.1.6, N.1.1)

 I am learning to cite examples of physical and chemical changes in matter

 I am learning to investigate indicators of physical and chemical changes in matter

I am learning to explain how temperature influences chemical changes (N.1.1, N.1.4)

 Heat speeds up reaction/Cold slows the reaction

I am learning to explain why mass is conserved when substances undergo physical and chemical changes according to the Law of Conservation of Mass

 I am learning to differentiate between a law and a theory (N.3.1)

I am learning to design an investigation that explores the law of conservation of mass using models, such as: (N.1.1) o experiments and demonstrations

Classroom Activities


boiling point, degrees, Celsius, density, electrical conductivity, gas, kinetic energy, liquid, magnetic properties, mass, matter, melting point, phase change, physical properties, saturation, solid, solubility, solute, solvent, thermal conductivity, volume, weight, chemical change, Control groups, dependent variable (outcome), experimental (independent) variable (test), inference, interpret, Law of Conservation of Mass, observation, physical change, scientific law, scientific theory, Temperature


Introduction to Unit

Learning Targets & Notebook Set up


Mass, Volume, Density Probe

Physical Properties Passage

Properties of Matter Poster Project


Chemical Properties of Matter

Properties of Matter Poster Work Time

11/3 & 11/4

Properties of Matter Posters Finalized

Properties of Matter Notes w/PPT


ALL Remediation Due Today

Properties of Matter Quiz

Density Lab


Are they the same substance? probe

Mystery Substance Density Lab


Density Film Canister Lab


Moon Magnet Probe

Properties of Matter PPT & Notes

Penny Density Lab-Death to Pennies


Density Formula Practice Problems

Density Lab www.explorelearning.com


Candy Bar Density Lab

11/17 & 11/18

Density Practice

Density Slice & Dice Lab

Conservation of Mass

Weight vs. Mass

Crash Course:  Vacation of Conservation


Bill Nye:  Phases of Matter


Matter Changing States

Phases of Water Lab


Heating & Cooling Graphs

Chemical Property Notes & Video

12/1 & 12/2

**Study Guides Distributed**

Chemical Properties Notes & Video


Liquid Layers Demonstration

Review Project


Property Changes

Physical vs. Chemical Changes & Indicators


Review for DIA

12/8 & 12/9

District Assessment Summative Grade

Assignments Due

November 8th & 9th-Properties of Matter Quiz

November 18th & 19th-Unit 3 District Assessment

Additional Resources