Quarter 1, Week 3: 9/14 – 9/18 – Innovation Students

Edgenuity log-in:



Science Binder set-up power point:

Science binder set up 2020-21 school year


What is Science Vocabulary check power point:

Vocabulary What is Science

Vocabulary Menu:

Vocab Homework Menu

What is Science video questions check power point

What is Science video questions answer check

Science World article “Your Brain On Music”


Your Brain on Science Investigate It questions

Testing using School City Directions and Tools Help page

Testing with School City Directions and Tools Help



TeacherMichael Scitney
Subject AreaComprehensive Science III
Grade Level8
Week #3
Unit of InstructionScience Process
Standard(s) Taught

Discuss what characterizes science and its methods.

Analyze the methods used to develop a scientific explanation as
seen in different fields of science.

SC.8.N.1.2 (Level 3)
Design and conduct a study using repeated trials and replication.

Understand that scientific investigations involve the collection of
relevant empirical evidence, the use of logical reasoning, and the
application of imagination in devising hypotheses, predictions,
explanations and models to make sense of the collected evidence.

Use phrases such as “results support” or “fail to support” in
science, understanding that science does not offer conclusive
‘proof’ of a knowledge claim.

Explain how hypotheses are valuable if they lead to further
investigations, even if they turn out not to be supported by the

Learning Targets and Learning Criteria

Students will:
• describe science as the study of the natural world
• discuss the VARIOUS methods used by scientists to answer questions or solve
problems (controlled experiments, observational studies, engineering by design,
trial and error, simulations, modeling, etc.)
• Review Lab Safety with your students
• engage in a lab where students:
form a hypothesis
follow a procedure using repeated trials
collect data, take measurements, analyze and interpret graphs
draw a conclusion based on evidence
use phrases such as “results support” or “fail to support” their
hypothesis/claim (NOT PROVE OR DISPROVE) and how it leads to
further investigations (revise and repeat)

Classroom Activities

Please click on the link below for your science lesson plan for this week. This is a word document. Please look at the correct day, Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, for that day’s lesson and information related to that day’s lesson. Any additional links or documents are located at the top of the page..

Weekly lesson plan:

REVISED 8th grade science innovative lesson plans 0914-0918

Assignments Due

1. Turn in Hand washing Infographic if you have not yet. Email to Dr. Newcomb.

2. Complete lab safety agreement by Thursday, 9/17 in Edgenuity (if not yet done).

3. Assigned Monday 9/14: Completion of choices from Vocabulary menu for What is Science vocabulary are due by next Monday 9/21/2020. Turn in to Focus.

4. Assigned on Thursday 9/17: Read the article “Your brain on music” from Science World magazine. Answer the Investigate It questions using complete sentences. The answers will be turned in Monday 9/21 for a formative grade. Turn in through Focus.

**Experimental design rough draft due date: 9/25/2020

**Experimental design final draft due date: 10/16/2020

Additional Resources