Q1W6 – 7 Honey Bees (10/5 – 10/16) K-5

TeacherSheri Potter
Subject AreaPollination/Bees
Grade LevelK-3
Week #Q1W5 - W6
Unit of InstructionPollinators
Standard(s) Taught

Describe the importance of agriculture on a world, national, state, and community scale.

Describe the importance of agriculture in each individual’s life.

Identify conditions necessary for agricultural production.

More Information

Learning Targets and Learning Criteria

Students will have a better understanding of the importance of pollinators in our food cycle.

Classroom Activities

Students will learn about the life cycle of bees. We will talk about queen bees, workers and drones and what their purpose is in the hive. We will use a Kahoot activity to reinforce our learning.

Assignments Due
Additional Resources
