10 GP4 Week 3

Hello Families,
Our Third week of the grading period is already here!
Students had FSA writing testing Monday and Tuesday. I planned a relaxed lesson and gave students digital options to choose from. I did not conduct any grading during these days as I only saw about half of my students.

W: Students participated in a Cup Stacking Challenge while practicing new action norms. Check our course remind for more info and photos!
STEM 1: Text the number 81010 with the message @h3g84f
STEM 2-3: Text 81010 Message: @stem84f

Th Fri: Students continue working on their Science Fair Research paper (due next Wednesday) and continue working in their selected module activity.

Please see the link below for day-to-day happenings.

Mr. Scitney

GP4 Week 3