2 GP3 Week 1

CC GP3 Week 1
Please access the link above to view our welcome back from break lessons.
There are no graded assignments this week.

Students started their second module rotation this week. New activities during this rotation included: Crochet, Marble Madness, a revised Engineering Design Process Bridges, Catapults and Towers Course, Code Combat, Scratch Game Design, and Calligraphy. All of the choices from the first module rotation were also available. Students will be able to choose the same module to make further process in an activity, but cannot repeat the same module two rotations in a row.
Module rotations last for 4 weeks and we often work within the modules two times per week. Students are added to Canvas courses that have all of the student-paced instructions for each activity. They should access the Canvas course and click the “modules” tab on the left of the page. Modules are expected to be finished from top to bottom.

Happy 2022!