Mrs. Rosso’s Q & A

How can I contact Mrs. Rosso?

via e-mail:

via Remind 101:  Text the message @mrsrosso8 to the
number 81010.

What do I do if I am out sick/quarantined?

Contact me via my Ivy Hawn e-mail address listed above.  As soon as I hear from you (or get notified of your absence), I will send you an e-mail to your VCS e-mail address that will include the assignments and links for the work you will be missing.  Always contact me if you have any questions.

How do I remediate my district assessments?

After completing the district assessment, students are encouraged to remediate any standard they were not proficient on.  Students must complete review work on the standard to take an alternate test on each specific standard.  Each test is only 3 questions; however, all three questions must be correct to earn remediation credit.  The remediation points are then added back to the DIA grade in gradebook.  Students have only two weeks in which to submit any and all remediation.