Jazz Band Digital Learning Q4

Welcome to the 4th Quarter!  I know that this is a little unorthodox, but we will continue to work on performance and instrument fundamentals.  It is important to work on our music and scales.  I will continue to post new little exercises to play, as well as a fun musical challenges.  


Thursdays at 3:00, we will have “class” on Zoom.  I will send out the link for you to join via email and remind.  It is a free web service, so no need to sign up, but I will be sending out the invitation code for the meeting 15 minutes before class.  Have your instruments handy, because I will ask for volunteers to demonstrate/show off what you have worked on over the break/week.  

If you would like to have a small private lesson to get tips, feedback, or help on anything, please let me know, and I will schedule you in.  I cannot do from 11-12 on Tuesday or Thursday, and 3:00-4:00 on Monday (Beginning) Wednesday (Jazz Class Time) and Friday (Symphonic). Give me the best time for you in order for you to get the help you need.

Teacher Mr. Halpin
Subject Jazz Band
Grade: 6-8
Week: 28-36 (4th Nine Weeks)
Unit of Instruction Rehearsal Techniques, Jazz History, Critical Thinking and Expression, Structure
Standards Taught
  • MU.68.C.1.1 – Develop strategies for listening to unfamiliar works.
  • MU.68.C.2.1 – Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers
  • MU.68.C.2.2 – Correct using correct music vocabulary, changes in one’s own or others’ musical performance resulting from practice or rehearsal
  • MU.68.S.2.2 – Transfer performance techniques from familiar to unfamiliar pieces
  • MU.68.S.3.1 – Sing/Play age-appropriate repertoire expressively
  • MU.68.S.3.5 – Notate rhythmic phrases and/or melodies, in varying simple meters, performed by someone else.
Learning Targets/Objectives/Skills
  • Differentiate between “in tune” and “out of tune” pitches and how to make appropriate adjustments.
  • Perform Daily warm-up exercises which promote tone production, ensemble blend and balance
  • Detect note, intonation, rhythm, and articulation errors in a practice/performance setting
  • Critique personal performance, experiment with a variety of solutions, and make appropriate adjustments with guidance from teachers and peers.
  • Demonstrate understanding the role and use of technology in the music classroom
  • Describe ways in which technology has changed the way we listen to, watch, create, and consume music.

Zoom User Agreement for the Performing Arts

Week 3 Online Learning
Week 4 Online Learning
Week 5/6 Online Learning
Week 7/8 Online Learning