Middle School Dance Tech- General Information

Welcome to Middle School Dance! Here is some helpful information regarding my class for you to reference all year:

The best way to contact me is via email. My email address is: kushnern@ivyhawnschool.org. I have 1st and 8th period planning, so I am available during those times to read and respond to emails, as well as schedule conferences with you as needed!

Class Communication:
I typically send out a weekly email over the weekend to let you know what to expect for the week or regarding any events, performances, or summatives.
I also use the Band App. Send me your email and I will send you an invite to join our class Band page. This app allows me to message out to you quickly like a text message, I can chat privately with dancers and parents, I can post videos of choreography we are doing, etc.

To be successful in this course, please be sure your dancer has the following items for class each day:
1. Dance Attire – I would like all female dancers to wear a leotard (any color/style) and tights or leggings for class and all male dancers to wear a solid color t-shirt and dance shorts or pants.
2. Hair ties
3. Jazz shoes and/or ballet shoes
5. 2 lb. ankle weights
6. Index Cards

Course Outline:
A typical week in dance class for Dance Tech will look something like this:
Mondays: Technique Class – (ladies en pointe are encouraged to bring their pointe shoes to wear)
Tuesdays: Technique Warm Up and Activity
Wednesdays: Dance Conditioning
Thursdays/Fridays: Jazz Technique Class

*We will begin Nutcracker choreography in October.

Performance Schedule for Tech Classes:
December 18th: Nutcracker with a Twist
May 26th: Spring Showcase

Dancers will be learning dance vocabulary and will have a few summatives for that
We will also do skill assessments, peer critiques, and self assessments/reflections
Dancers will be evaluated each day with a “daily grade” or “weekly etiquette” – this is a 5 point assessment each day for showing effort, respectfulness, focus, being prepared, and following classroom procedures.