1 2022 Semester 2 Letter and REMIND

Hello Parents!

My 2022 goal is to keep up with Classroom connect from this point forward!

I will post powerpoints every Thursday or Friday that coincide with my lessons. I often plan projects out and then update the day-to-day details as I go. The powerpoints will be split into sections for each day of the week and will include all of the supplements to my instruction. Transitions, community building, project rules and more will be shared through these powerpoints.

I update many of my other resources through the Canvas courses assigned to my class.

All students have access to an Explo-Tech Canvas course which includes many of the handouts and instructional materials. Those courses should be accessed in addition to the Classroom Connect.


Best wishes,

Happy 2022

Mr. Scitney

REMIND: STEM 1: Message # 81010 with the message: @h3g84f

STEM II-III: Message # 81010 with the message: stem84f

email: Scitneym@ivyhawnschool.org