3 GP3 Week 2

GP3 Week 2

Students continued their module activities this week.
I was out Wednesday for my daughter’s 6 month check-up. Students watched a video on sound and answered guiding questions.
Absent students Wednesday may research and turn-in ten facts on sound. More details are provided in the gradebook assignment description.

Graded Assignments This Week:
1. Weird But True: Sound Questions
2. Module Rotation 2 Product Submission
3. Module Rotation 2 Reflection Questions

Assignment 1 is currently updated in gradebook. I have not assigned “M” for missing assignments yet. If a student does not have a grade, I have yet to receive their assignment.
I am updating the module rotation grades on Wednesday as some students are still working to turn these in.

If you have a student out on a code “J” please email me at: Scitneym@ivyhawnschool.org

Enjoy the three-day weekend in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Best wishes!
Mr. Scitney