Welcome to One of Your Happy Spots


Hi my Character Counts students,

How was your first day of virtual learning?  If you are anything like me, it was a little overwhelming to both you and your parents.  Because we all have so many new things we are trying to learn and do, I want this class to be one of the places that you can come and relax, enjoy and maybe try something new.  You do not have to turn anything in to me, but, you always welcome to share anything you would like with me on either my email (santopietroc@ivyhawnschool.org) or call me during regular school hours, at (386) 314-4499.  If you call after hours, I will be glad to return your call as soon as I can.  As always, my office (virtual) is always open, so do not hesitate to come by, via email or phone.  We can also ZOOM, if you need to.  This is also open to your parents and I will be sharing this information with them on the parent page and the support services page.  Like I always tell you, we all have things happen, it is how we learn from the issues, that is important!  I know that as a family, a school, a community, a state, a nation, and a world…we will learn many lessons!  I send you and your family, love, peace and health.  We will see each other, before we know it!

So, use these lessons to disconnect from the daily grind, enjoy yourself, and take a deep breath…inhale!  We will be good!